
Hippo is built using a service-oriented architecture. All of Hippo’s components are open source and are available on GitHub.


Administrators of the Hippo platform use nomad to configure and install Hippo’s components. Service discovery, application scheduling, and networking are all delegated to nomad, while Hippo provides a clean and simple developer experience.

Hippo provides additional functionality to your nomad cluster, including:

  • Hippofactory which assembles your application files as bindles
  • A log aggregator which gathers logs from all of your application processes
  • A simple REST API which powers the web interface and any external developer tooling
  • automatic application release deployments
  • Authentication and Authorization to application resources
  • HTTP/HTTPS edge routing for your applications


All platform components that are part of the Hippo platform expect to be running on an existing nomad cluster. This means that you can happily run your nomad-native workloads next to applications that are managed through Hippo.

Application Layout and Edge Routing

The router component is responsible for routing HTTP/s traffic to your applications as well as proxying platform API traffic.

The router component is part of the Hippo platform, and is provided by the Yet-Another-Reverse-Proxy (YARP) project.

The router automatically discovers routable applications, SSL/TLS certificates and application-specific configurations through the platform. Any changes to an application’s configuration is applied within milliseconds.